Vacaville's Play 4 All park would not be possible without the generosity and support of our community partners. We are counting on them to "step or wheel themselves up to the plate" and make this happen.
Corporations and businesses can donate, provide leadership, and provide sponsorships at all levels - including naming options to park features, sponsoring locations within the "Vaca Village" center, and providing financial support for building and operations.
GET INVOLVED ~ Make the Dream Come True

As we prepare for our public open ng, there will be many opportunities for dedicated volunteers to spread the word, raise funds and inspire others in their support of the Play 4 All Vacaville park. We will coordinate work days so you can help complete our park.
Contact us to be added to our growing list of volunteers.
Play 4 All Park Inc. Vacaville is a not for profit corporation whose primary mission is to build and support the operation of this park.
Our steering committee is looking for talented and committed community leaders who share the dream of free and accessible recreational opportunities for all.