Planned Park Features

Easy Access 4 All

Challenger Baseball Field - Phase Two
​Everyone can play America's favorite sport. All it takes is a team, the right coaches, and a field that encourages fun and success, instead of barriers and disappointment. And that field is here! It will be built from the ground up by this community.
Accessible Play Areas

​​Play areas need to welcome everyone, whether they walk, wheel, crawl or sit. They should encourage kids of all ages and abilities to have fun together, to imagine together, and to help each other at every turn.
People-friendly Surfaces

​Most playgrounds are built with tons of cement, asphalt, bark, sand and gravel. These might make areas more durable, but they can pose insurmountable barriers to those with mobility challenges. The Play 4 All Park will use a variety of surfaces.

Fido-Friendly Dog Parks
Phase Two
Vaca Village
With easy access off Leisure Town Road from I80 and quick in-town access, the Play 4 All Park's anticipated location will be a snap to get to. And, it will be adjacent to the new neighborhood park that is part of Vacaville's east of Leisure Town expansion project.
There really is no place like home, and there's no home like Vacaville! Families will love strolling through this miniature town; letting their
imaginations run wild as they take in the sight of shops and buildings named after their familiar Vacaville surroundings.

​The Play 4 All park's planned location is a perfect place to share with our four-legged friends. Early planning includes space for two dog parks - one for larger dogs and one for smaller dogs.